Essential Tips to Defend Against Raids in Myth of Empires

In the world of Myth of Empires, the thrill of conquest and defense reigns supreme. However, for many players, the sting of a successful raid can be devastating. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of base defense, uncovering essential tips to fortify your stronghold and fend off would-be attackers. From strategic construction to tactical maneuvers, we’ll explore the keys to safeguarding your assets and emerging victorious in the face of adversity.

Understanding the Threat:

Before diving into defense strategies, it’s crucial to grasp the nature of the threat posed by raiding parties. In Myth of Empires, raids are not merely opportunistic strikes but meticulously planned assaults orchestrated by organized PvP guilds. These adversaries are well-equipped, highly skilled, and relentless in their pursuit of loot and glory. As such, preparing for their onslaught demands foresight, cunning, and resilience.

Tip 1: Fortify Your Perimeter

The first line of defense begins with your base’s perimeter walls. Avoid common pitfalls such as incorporating staircases that provide easy access for raiders. Instead, opt for alternative methods of vertical traversal, such as temporary wooden towers, which can be easily dismantled when not in use. Additionally, ensure that your walls are sufficiently spaced apart to prevent raiders from leapfrogging over multiple layers of defense.

Tip 2: Eliminate Climbing Opportunities

Raiders will exploit any means available to breach your defenses, including utilizing nearby structures as footholds for ascent. Prevent this by keeping your base walls clear of any buildings, boxes, or other objects that could serve as climbing aids. Maintain an overhang along the walls’ edges to deter raiders from using wagons or torture racks to bypass your fortifications.

Tip 3: Secure Your Core Assets

Centralize your vital resources and structures within the protected confines of your base’s boundary marker. This ensures that critical assets remain shielded from external threats and benefit from the inherent protection provided by the game mechanics. Pay heed to taxation and protection timers to maximize your base’s defensive capabilities during offline periods.

Tip 4: Erect Pillars to Deter Siege

Along cliff edges or vulnerable sections of your perimeter, strategically place pillars to hinder raiders’ attempts to construct makeshift ramps or bridges. The presence of pillars forces raiders to expend additional resources and time dismantling these obstacles, buying precious moments for defenders to respond.

Tip 5: Leverage Arrow Towers for Defense

Harness the firepower of arrow towers to bolster your base’s perimeter defenses. Position these structures to cover key approaches, ensuring overlapping fields of fire to maximize their effectiveness. Consider deploying siege NPCs atop the towers to further augment their offensive capabilities against raiding parties.

Tip 6: Resist Extortion Tactics

In the face of extortion attempts by raiders demanding tribute or cessation of hostilities, stand firm and refuse to yield to their demands. Surrendering resources only emboldens aggressors and prolongs the conflict. Instead, focus on resilience and defiance, making every effort to thwart their incursions through steadfast defense.

Tip 7: Target Mounts to Disrupt Raiders

Aim to disrupt raiders’ mobility and combat effectiveness by targeting their mounts during engagements. Destroying enemy horses deprives raiders of their swift maneuverability and combat advantages, tipping the scales in favor of defenders. Prioritize eliminating mounted threats to diminish the raiding party’s offensive capabilities.

Tip 8: Employ Door Tactics for Stalling

When raiders breach your base’s defenses and begin assaulting interior structures, deploy door tactics to impede their progress. Continuously replace destroyed doors to consume raiders’ weapon durability and frustrate their advance. By maintaining a steady supply of doors, defenders can prolong the raid and potentially exhaust raiders’ resources.


In the ever-shifting landscape of Myth of Empires, mastering the art of base defense is paramount to survival and success. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, players can fortify their strongholds, repel raiding parties, and emerge victorious in the crucible of conflict. Remember, resilience, adaptability, and unity are the cornerstones of effective defense, ensuring that your legacy endures amidst the chaos of conquest.

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